Monday, September 12, 2011

Pool Tile Cleaners - Do They Work?

Chemical pool tile cleaners that are acid based do not work on heavily calcified pool tiles. I am not going to name names, but there are a few that are sold by the "Major" swimming pool supply stores by the truck load. Inevitably I always get a call after the home owner has tried their acid pool tile cleaners. When I walk into the homeowners back yards to give an estimate 7 out of 10 times there is a half full bottle sitting on the patio table. There maybe 10 feet of tile that looks a tiny bit better, but not much.

What the pool supply doesn't tell you is that the "acid pool tile cleaners" actually permanently stain many types of swimming pool tiles. The correct way to clean pool tile is to have them either bead blasted or dry soda blasted using NO MORE THAN 20 PSI. This process "when done correctly" is very beneficial to the home owner and the swimming pool tiles themselves. Surface Renewal Pool Tile Cleaning has designed their own swimming pool tile cleaning equipment that 1.Does both bead blasting as well as dry soda blasting. 2.After the pool tiles have been cleaned by us, we apply a calcium proofing protectant to the surface to prevent the return of buildup for up to 3 years. 3. We sell products to treat the water itself to prevent scale from attacking pool tile.

So in closing, you can bypass the aggravation of wasting time and money by not buying acid pool tile cleaners. If you own a pool in Southern California, give Surface Renewal Pool Tile Cleaning a call for a free estimate!
1-714-253-Pool (7665)  Pool Tile Cleaners

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