When I started working in the swimming pool industry back in 1997 as a swimming pool service tech, little was known about cleaning pool tiles. Most swimming pool industry pros just sugested to replace your calcified pool tiles with new ones. Little was known about swimming pool tile cleaning. Lets fast forward to 2007. A couple of industrial sandblaster manufacturers decided on getting into the pool tile cleaning game by offering a "pool tile cleaner kit". The kit runs an industrial sandblaster that shoots glass bead at 40 PSI and nothing lower. Sounds like a good idea huh? They promised a pool guy that they could clean any pool tile with their pool tile cleaning kit because it runs at a low 40 PSI. Sounds low right? Wrong, that is an extremey high pressure to bead blast pool tile with.
So I kept hearing this magical number of 40 PSI over and over again. My family's and I have a background is pnuematic engineering, so wheel has been set in motion, how can I lower that 40 PSI to 15 PSI? After years of trial and error I designed a pool tile cleaner capable of cleaning pool tiles efectivaly at a low pressure of 15 PSI! That's right Surface Renewal designs and builds their own pool tile cleaning equipment capable of cleaning standard blue pool tiles with glass bead, and also dry soda blasting with the same blast pot.
So to experience the next level of pool tile cleaning equipment, feel free to check out this demo video on you tube at Pool Tile Cleaners or check us out online at Pool Tile Cleaning